
www.brandedcamp.com 2010 Info!!!!

BrandedCamp 2010 is different than anything yet experienced…It is about three generations coming HOME to the Father’s heart as ONE-one family-one heart-one agenda-to experience our Daddy God as ONE!

God is welcoming His sons and daughters HOME, from infants to elderly, God is awakening us to our true identity. Just like when the prodigal woke up starving for pig pods, sons & daughters are realizing that their father has an honored place for them at His table! We are awakening to our true identity…We are His family...WE ARE THE ONE!

We carry the very DNA of our Father. It is not something we earn, nor is it something we can run from, DNA just is! BrandedbyGod Camp 2010 will be a Royal Family Reunion!

Join us for a week of celebration! Where His sons and daughters, of all ages, will come to experience & release HIS HEART!